Sharon Vincin
Teacher in Training

I started dancing unofficially as a youngster, always loving moving to music.  During high school I took Greek Dancing lessons and performed at the Glendi Festival.

After a long hiatus, my friend Lois convinced me to come along and try Scottish Country Dancing.  I loved it and had now found my sport!

I learnt under the expert tutelage of Noriel Tarca, and then Jean Dodds (still fabulous teachers).

In 2019 I was asked to consider teaching.  I have been very kindly mentored by Neville Pope and have been lucky enough to help out at Monday night Burnside classes ever since.  In 2019 I completed Unit 0 (under the instruction of the then Chairman, Helen Russell).  

I learn something every time I dance and am passionate about sharing the joy and fun of SCD with others and encouraging them to have a go.  I hope to see you on the dance floor soon.