Bydand Class invites all to mark Anzac Day with a social dance. Please bring a plate of supper and/or your favourite drink to share after the dancing. Enjoy all Australian or New Zealand devised dances. Entry at the door $10 cash only.
Introduction to Dance Scottish! NO, it's NOT Highland, it is the traditional social dancing of Scotland. Learn the basic steps and formations at the heart of many Scottish dances over 4 sessions. Suitable for adults of all ages and a wide range of fitness. Move to great music in a fun environment, exercising your mind and body. No partner required.
SORRY - SOLD OUT! Join the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society and dance Scottish. Ceilidh Dancing at the Irish Club with live music by the Adelaide Ceilidh Band. Caller Barbara Lupton. Great fun for all ages!!
St Patrick’s Day falls on a Monday this year and the Monday class at Glenunga is hosting a St Patrick’s social. All dancers across Adelaide and Districts are welcome. Fee $8 cash at the door. Please wear a touch of green and bring a small plate of supper or drink to share after the dancing.
All members and dancers, please join us to welcome in the 2025 dancing year with a social. Program details below. Please bring a plate of afternoon tea to share. Tea, coffee, water will be provided.
It's Burns Night! A night of toe-tapping, knee-slapping fun at the Uraidla Show Hall! Get ready to dance your heart out at this lively in-person event in Uraidla, SA, Australia. This is NOT an RSCDS event, however the caller on the night is Barbara Lupton, our Adelaide Branch President.
Adelaide Social Club invites all to join in their Hogmanay Dance. Bagpipes at 10pm (played by Hamy and Sam). A wee drink of bubbles or whisky is provided at midnight. Bring a plate of supper to share, please.
All welcome to enjoy and mark St Andrew's Day! This is a free event to celebrate the end of the dancing season, and to thank all our teachers, members and dancers for their support throughout the year. Supper will be provided after the dancing.
Join the RSCDS and the Adelaide and Districts Branch to enjoy a program of dances from around the world. This marks one year since the RSCDS centenary. Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available during the evening.
The 2024 AGM of the RSCDS Adelaide and Districts Branch. All members - we need you to attend - the AGM requires a quorum of 19 to ratify decisions. We are definitely seeking nominations for the Secretary and the Treasurer and 1 committee member for 2025.
Neville Pope will lead this workshop aimed at improving your knowledge of and confidence in dancing formations. We particularly encourage newer dancers.
Adelaide invites you to attend its Annual Ball. Enjoy live music from Iain Mckenzie, straight from Australian Winter School. Gorgeous historic venue at Mitcham Village Institute Hall. Doors open 2:45 pm. Welcome drink at 3 pm. Dancing 3:30 pm - 7pm, including a refreshments break.
Come and join in our celebrations for Tartan Day! An evening of family fun, to try your hand (feet actually) at Scottish dancing. Easy ceilidh dances will be called and walked on the day. Enjoy live music from the Adelaide Ceilidh Band.
The Adelaide Social Club invites you to come and celebrate the Winter Solstice with dancing. Black-and-White Theme. Please bring a small plate of supper to share. Cost: CASH at the door: $10 Social Club Members $12 non - members
Come and try Scottish country dancing. NO - it's NOT HIGHLAND. Discover its origins, how it has developed and evolved over the years. No longer confined to Scotland, it has become popular in many countries throughout the world.
Book 53 of dances was published in 2023 to celebrate the centenary of the Society. Come along and work through some of them. There will be a morning and an afternoon workshop. 10 AM - 12:30 PM. 1:30 - 4 PM. Dancers are welcome for either workshop, or for the whole day. Light refreshments will be provided during each workshop. Those staying the whole day, please BYO lunch.
Calling all budding dancers for an evening of family fun, to try your hand (feet actually) at Scottish dancing. Easy ceilidh dances will be called on the night. Suitable ages 10+. Doors will open 7 pm. Dancing 7:30 pm. Light refreshments provided during the break. Please wear comfortable clothing and flat shoes you can move in. Bookings essential.
Welcome back to Branch Class for 2024! Teacher for February will be Neville Pope.
Welcome back for the 2024 dancing season! Gather one and all, to dance, or listen and tap your toes, and share your holiday stories. Our committee members will provide a light afternoon tea during the event. Please pay at the door: $10 for RSCDS members and $12 for non-members. Easy dances will be re-capped and walked through if necessary.