Adelaide and Districts Branch 2025.
We aim to preserve and further the practice of Scottish Country Dance across Adelaide and Districts.

What do we do?

The Committee is responsible for governing and overseeing the Branch’s activities, to:

  • preserve and further the practice of traditional Scottish Country Dancing
  • provide education or instruction in the practice of Scottish Country Dancing
  • collect books, manuscripts, illustrations and other memorabilia relating to SCD and the Society
  • promote enjoyment and appreciation of Scottish Country Dancing and music.
  • The Committee implements the Strategic Plan and coordinates the yearly events program for the Adelaide and Districts Branch of the RSCDS

Who is the Committee? (taken from the Constitution):

The Committee shall comprise: 

  • Honorary President 
  • Honorary Secretary 
  • Honorary Treasurer 
  • at least four and no more than six Ordinary Members 

who shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the Branch for a period of one year only and

  •  ex-officio the chairperson of the Teachers’ Panel or his/her appointed delegate. 

Members appointed to the Committee may serve a maximum term of five (5) years consecutively followed by a minimum of one (1) year’s retirement before standing again for election. 

The Committee shall have the power to appoint such officers or sub-Committees as are required to carry out the Objects of the Branch, including a Vice-President, and a Public Officer as required by the Act, and may discuss or delegate any of its powers to such officers.