We encourage people to be fully vaccinated against CoVID. Please do not attend classes or events if you have an upper respiratory tract infection – cough, sneezing, sore throat etc.
Learn MoreLearn the basic steps and formations at the heart of many Scottish dances. Suitable for all ages and a wide range of fitness. Book in for the next program, commencing Tues 13 May https://wea-sa.com.au/55435
Learn MoreTuesdays 7:30 - 9 pm. Spicer Uniting Church, 44A Fourth Ave, St Peters Members and non-members welcome. $10 per class. Visiting guests from interstate or overseas are most welcome. Jean Dodds will teach during April. NOTE BELOW CANCELLATION POLICY HOT WEATHER POLICY for Terms 1 and 4.
Learn MoreThursdays 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm. St Theodore’s Anglican Church Hall, Prescott Terrace, Toorak Gardens
Learn MoreSaturdays 7.30 pm - 9:30 pm. St Theodore’s Anglican Church Hall, Prescott Terrace, Toorak Gardens.
Learn MoreMondays 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Beginners welcome. This is a mixed class of newer and more experienced dancers. Glenunga Uniting Church Hall 138 L'Estrange Street, GLENUNGA. This venue is airconditioned.
Learn MoreWednesdays 7:30 pm - 9 pm. This is a class of more experienced dancers, but beginners are welcome. St Theodore's Anglican Church Hall. 46 Prescott Terrace, Toorak Gardens. This venue is airconditioned.
Learn MoreFridays 7.30 pm - 9 pm. St Margaret’s Church Hall, cnr Port and Woodville Roads, Woodville. This venue is airconditioned.
Learn MoreEach month on the second Sunday, 2 - 4 pm, at Mitcham Institute Hall. No experience or partner needed. All ages welcome. The venue is air conditioned.
Learn MoreWednesdays 9.30am - 11.30am. The Druids Hall, Cassie St, Collinswood. This venue is airconditioned.
Learn MoreMondays 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Pioneer Hall at Middleton Beginners welcome.
Learn MoreWednesdays 11 am - 12:30 pm Westbourne Park Uniting Church, 27 Sussex Terrace, Hawthorn SA 5062.
Learn MoreBydand Class invites all to mark Anzac Day with a social dance. Please bring a plate of supper and/or your favourite drink to share after the dancing. Enjoy all Australian or New Zealand devised dances. Entry at the door $10 cash only.
Introduction to Dance Scottish! NO, it's NOT Highland, it is the traditional social dancing of Scotland. Learn the basic steps and formations at the heart of many Scottish dances over 4 sessions. Suitable for adults of all ages and a wide range of fitness. Move to great music in a fun environment, exercising your mind and body. No partner required.
SORRY - SOLD OUT! Join the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society and dance Scottish. Ceilidh Dancing at the Irish Club with live music by the Adelaide Ceilidh Band. Caller Barbara Lupton. Great fun for all ages!!
St Patrick’s Day falls on a Monday this year and the Monday class at Glenunga is hosting a St Patrick’s social. All dancers across Adelaide and Districts are welcome. Fee $8 cash at the door. Please wear a touch of green and bring a small plate of supper or drink to share after the dancing.
All members and dancers, please join us to welcome in the 2025 dancing year with a social. Program details below. Please bring a plate of afternoon tea to share. Tea, coffee, water will be provided.
It's Burns Night! A night of toe-tapping, knee-slapping fun at the Uraidla Show Hall! Get ready to dance your heart out at this lively in-person event in Uraidla, SA, Australia. This is NOT an RSCDS event, however the caller on the night is Barbara Lupton, our Adelaide Branch President.
Adelaide Social Club invites all to join in their Hogmanay Dance. Bagpipes at 10pm (played by Hamy and Sam). A wee drink of bubbles or whisky is provided at midnight. Bring a plate of supper to share, please.
All welcome to enjoy and mark St Andrew's Day! This is a free event to celebrate the end of the dancing season, and to thank all our teachers, members and dancers for their support throughout the year. Supper will be provided after the dancing.
Join the RSCDS and the Adelaide and Districts Branch to enjoy a program of dances from around the world. This marks one year since the RSCDS centenary. Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available during the evening.
The 2024 AGM of the RSCDS Adelaide and Districts Branch. All members - we need you to attend - the AGM requires a quorum of 19 to ratify decisions. We are definitely seeking nominations for the Secretary and the Treasurer and 1 committee member for 2025.
Neville Pope will lead this workshop aimed at improving your knowledge of and confidence in dancing formations. We particularly encourage newer dancers.
Adelaide invites you to attend its Annual Ball. Enjoy live music from Iain Mckenzie, straight from Australian Winter School. Gorgeous historic venue at Mitcham Village Institute Hall. Doors open 2:45 pm. Welcome drink at 3 pm. Dancing 3:30 pm - 7pm, including a refreshments break.
Come and join in our celebrations for Tartan Day! An evening of family fun, to try your hand (feet actually) at Scottish dancing. Easy ceilidh dances will be called and walked on the day. Enjoy live music from the Adelaide Ceilidh Band.
The Adelaide Social Club invites you to come and celebrate the Winter Solstice with dancing. Black-and-White Theme. Please bring a small plate of supper to share. Cost: CASH at the door: $10 Social Club Members $12 non - members
Come and try Scottish country dancing. NO - it's NOT HIGHLAND. Discover its origins, how it has developed and evolved over the years. No longer confined to Scotland, it has become popular in many countries throughout the world.
Book 53 of dances was published in 2023 to celebrate the centenary of the Society. Come along and work through some of them. There will be a morning and an afternoon workshop. 10 AM - 12:30 PM. 1:30 - 4 PM. Dancers are welcome for either workshop, or for the whole day. Light refreshments will be provided during each workshop. Those staying the whole day, please BYO lunch.
Calling all budding dancers for an evening of family fun, to try your hand (feet actually) at Scottish dancing. Easy ceilidh dances will be called on the night. Suitable ages 10+. Doors will open 7 pm. Dancing 7:30 pm. Light refreshments provided during the break. Please wear comfortable clothing and flat shoes you can move in. Bookings essential.
Welcome back to Branch Class for 2024! Teacher for February will be Neville Pope.
Welcome back for the 2024 dancing season! Gather one and all, to dance, or listen and tap your toes, and share your holiday stories. Our committee members will provide a light afternoon tea during the event. Please pay at the door: $10 for RSCDS members and $12 for non-members. Easy dances will be re-capped and walked through if necessary.
For about $1 per week you can be part of a world-wide society of dancers, plus support your local teacher and Branch to continue providing you with fun, fitness and socialising through Scottish Country Dancing.
Membership fees for 2025 (November 1 2024 to October 31 2025) remain the same as for 2023: • Adult Single: $65.00 • Adult Joint: $95.00 • Student: $52.00
Check the RSCDS Adelaide Branch Consitution, By Laws and Risk Management policies. We ask all dancers to complete and keep in their dancing bag their Emergency Contact details, should any emergency arise during a class or event. Download a form in Policies.
Members receive a quality magazine twice a year from RSCDS Headquarters, informing about world-wide dancing activities, the work of the RSCDS Committees and dancers’ products. Dancers in South Australia can also receive a FREE quarterly newsletter called Reel Spiel, about what is happening around the Adelaide and Districts Scottish Country Dancing scene. Members automatically receive this. If you are not yet a member, please register your contact details with secretary@rscdsadelaide.org.au to receive Reel Spiel (no cost if emailed).
It is well established that participation in adequate amounts of regular physical activity can improve health and reduce the risk of premature death by helping to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight; lower blood cholesterol; reduce blood pressure in people who already
have hypertension (high blood pressure); improve self-esteem and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, depression; build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints; and keep older adults physically strong and better able to move about without falling or becoming too tired.
A study from the University of Strathclyde, in 2010, showed Scottish country dancing to be superior to other forms of physical activity in building levels of fitness.
A Canadian study found Scottish country dancing to be superior to folk and square dancing, and research from the University of Cumbria, published in January 2014 suggests that participation in Scottish country dancing could reduce the ageing process.
It also helps to prevent dementia through the complex interplay of cognitive skills needed to memorise steps and formations, interaction with other dancers, and the effect of dance music on the mind.
The social aspect of Scottish country dancing develops a sense of community and enjoyment, which encourages continued participation, and long term involvement, and is linked with good health, a positive attitude and longevity.
With about 160 branches all around the world, and 9 across Australia, you will find a class just about everywhere you go. So you can travel the globe, with your dancing shoes, and make new dancing friends wherever you go.
Come and celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Ballarat Scottish Country Dancers. Music by The David South / Matthew Robertson Scottish Dance Band. Tickets available now through heathermross2021@outlook.com or 0418 313 060
We are pleased to announce our Biennial weekend of Scottish Country Dancing in Hawaii. We invite you to join us in Honolulu for an event-filled weekend of dance lessons, social dances and a ceilidh, with live music for all dancing provided by The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a and Strathspey Society Band.
Whether you are new to dancing or have been doing it for years, Summer School offers something for everyone. Summer School is the perfect opportunity to develop your technique, explore lots of new dances, or just have fun in the social class.
The Southern Fling is a weekend of Scottish Country dance for young people and is open to dancers aged up to 40. A fantastic weekend of dancing, socialising and making friends. Come and join the party! Running parallel to the Fling is The Southern Fringe weekend aimed at dancers aged 41+ who have danced SCD for 2 years or more.
We look forward to welcome you in July 2024 to the 47th Australian RSCDS Winter School. Save the dates! The University of Queensland Gatton Campus is only five minutes from the Central Business District and has a wealth of history including the old Foundation Building. You will also witness stunning bird life at the on-campus Lake Galletly.
We look forward to seeing you at NZ Branch Inc Summer School to be held in Nelson (at the top of the sunny South Island) from 28 December 2023 to 5 January 2024.
In October 2023, two incredible Scottish Country Dancing musicians from New Zealand will be playing fabulous tunes in Tasmania. Lynne Scott and Sharlene Penman are experienced Scottish Country Dance musicians who love to play for dance classes and events. Join them in Tasmania for a series of classes and socials based mainly in Hobart (one event in Launceston).
The 46th Australian Winter School, based in Kiama on the beautiful shores of the south coast of New South Wales. There will be lots of special celebrations as 2023 is the centenary of the RSCDS. There will be classes in the mornings, a variety of interesting afternoon sessions, a social or special event in the evenings, culminating in the Centenary Ball on Saturday. We have engaged a stunning line up of teachers and musicians, many from overseas.
A weekend of dance featuring a walk-through of dances at 10:30am on Saturday, Ball on Saturday night and recovery brunch at 10:30am on Sunday at the Yarralumla Guide Hall. BYO Food to Brunch, tea and coffee provided. Live music from Chris Duncan & Catherine Strutt at the Ball.
6 pm. Welcome drinks & canapes, Grand March, 2 course dinner, anniversary cake and dancing! $100 RSCDS members, $120 non-members. Tables of 10 available. Dress: Formal.
Come south for the best of music and dance to celebrate the RSCDS Centenary. There are Friday night events, the GRAND Winter Ball on Saturday night, and a Picnic day at historic Richmond village on the Sunday. Ball Musicians: Chris Duncan and Catherine Strutt
Join your fellow dancers and musicians Chris Duncan and Catherine Strutt for a sparkling drink at 6:30 pm, ready for the Grand March at 7:00 pm (also at the Albert Hall). The evening features old favourites and core dances with a scrumptious supper. The weekend celebration concludes with a ‘recovery’ brunch with music and some more informal dancing on Sunday 27 August at 10:30 am. We look forward to seeing you there!
The Lochiel SCD Club invites dancers to join them for their weekend of dancing in Hamilton, NZ on the 3-4 June, 2023 in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty region of NZ. Classes include Beginner / Intermediate , Advanced Low Impact and Musician’s class. With Live Music by Wild Heather.
50th Anniversary Aloha Winter Weekend. With guest instructor Jeanne Moody, live music from the Humuhumunukunukuapua‘a and Strathspey Society Band, dance lessons, social dances, a ceilidh, and food, this is a weekend that you won't want to miss.
Visit their website to see all the information or to register online.
Adelaide Scottish Country Dance & Social Club welcome you all to its Christmas Dance. $5 entry at the door. Please bring some supper to share afterwards.
All welcome to join in the Branch Class finale for 2022. Jean Dodds will lead us in a great program. Shared supper after the dancing to celebrate the end of the dancing season. Please bring a small plate and/or drink to share. No class fee.
Calling all RSCDS Adelaide and Districts MEMBERS. Hear from your Branch President, Treasurer and Teachers' Panel about what was achieved during 2022, and what is planned for 2023. Have your say on the Committee, Membership Fees, and proposed events for 2023. Nominate to join the Committee for 2023. We are seeking some new Committee members, including a new Secretary, and new Vice President. If you cannot attend, please submit apologies to secretary@rscdsadelaide.org.au
This FREE event will celebrate the 70th year of the Adelaide and Districts RSCDS Branch. Please join our happy, inclusive event with Scottish music, a bit of history and nostalgia, and of course, dancing.
We welcome teacher and dance deviser, Gaye Collin of New Zealand, fresh from the Australian Winter School in Muresk. Enjoy a morning of dancing under her instruction.
We welcome teacher and dance deviser Damon Collin of New Zealand, fresh from the Australian Winter School in Muresk. Enjoy a special Branch Class of dancing under his instruction.
Postponed from 2020 the WA Branch is now planning to hold the next Australian Winter School in September 2022. Details and bookings now available on https://www.wawinterschool.com/
Calling all budding dancers in the Adelaide, Hills and Fleurieu regions. An evening of family fun, to try your hand (feet actually) at Scottish dancing. Easy ceilidh dances will be called on the night. Tickets must be prebooked and paid - numbers are limited.
Tascal Scottish Country Dancers are very happy to welcome dancers to our Winter Ball Weekend in Hobart 19-21 August 2022. Fabulous musicians, Chris Duncan and Catherine Strutt.
As part of our celebrations of 70 years of the Adelaide and Districts Branch, we will hold an afternoon workshop featuring the work of one of our founding members, John Bowie Dickson. He devised over 70 dances, many of which are popular standards to this day. Please register with the Secretary: secretary@rscdsadelaide.org.au
CHANGE OF VENUE: Hungarian Club, Norwood. Our premier event of the year. Come and celebrate Adelaide and District Branch's 70th year! Live music provided by the talented Black Bear Duo. Tickets are available now from class teachers, or the Treasurer, or at the door (cash).
Come and Try session only $10 on Sat 14 May 2022. Followed by a program for beginners (or those returning to Scottish Country Dancing after a long break). Suitable for ages 10+. 8 weeks of 2 hour classes, on Saturdays 10 am - 12 noon. Will cover all the basics of Reel and Strathspey steps, and the most popular formations used in dances. Get fit, have fun, enjoy moving to music, make new friends. Registrations essential please: 0423 942 936 or secretary@rscdsadelaide.org.au
Come and try Scottish country dancing for FREE. Discover its origins, how it has developed and evolved over the years. No longer confined to Scotland, it has become popular in many countries throughout the world. Please register (to help us manage event numbers and catering) with the Secretary 0423 942 936 or secretary@rscdsadelaide.org.au
Teacher : Barbara Lupton (Branch President) Classes: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm (General, Beginners/Improvers) BYO lunch break: 12.30 – 1.30pm Afternoon Dancing: 1:30 – 3.30 pm Numbers are limited so please BOOK EARLY to avoid disappointment.
Special Meeting called to elect a Branch President for 2022. ALL RSCDS Branch MEMBERS are asked to attend to vote on the President role, and other issues for 2022. Those who cannot attend, please RSVP apologies to secretary@rscdsadelaide.org.au
The Adelaide Social Club has made the difficult decision to CANCEL the planned Hogmanay Social, due to the escalating Covid-19 situation in South Australia, and in the interests of everyone's safety.
Last Branch Class for 2021 falls on St Andrew's Day, so we are offering a Social to celebrate and mark the end of the year. ALL WELCOME.
Join us for a day of learning and fun. Teacher: Jean Dodds Classes: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm BYO lunch break 12:30 – 1:30 pm Social afternoon: 1.30 – 3:30 pm Cost: RSCDS Members: $10 per session / $15 whole day Non-Members: $12 per session / $18 whole day Light refreshments offered in morning and afternoon. Registrations in to your teacher by Friday 5 November.
Calling all RSCDS Adelaide and Districts MEMBERS. Hear from your Branch President, Treasurer and Teachers' Panel about what was achieved during 2021, and what is planned for 2022. Have your say on the Committee, Membership Fees, and proposed events for 2022. Nominate to join the Committee for 2022, which needs a new Secretary, President and Liaison Officer.
NEW DATE: SUNDAY 24 October 2021 Our premier event of the year. Postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions. Unfortunately due to border restrictions the musicians are unable to attend. Instead we will dance to pre-recorded music. Open to spectators to enjoy the atmosphere and music. Tickets available from class teachers, or the Treasurer (Judy Noble), or at the door (cash).
12 months later than planned - better than never. Help TASCAL celebrate their 50th Anniversary Weekend in Hobart, Tasmania. A weekend full of great events.
Social to celebrate Margot's 90th birthday. $5 cash at the venue door. Please bring a small plate of supper to share – Covid 19 safe thank you: bring pre-wrapped or individual servings and tongs will also be used to serve the supper. Tea & coffee supplied.
Program for beginners (or those returning to Scottish Country Dancing after a long break). Suitable for ages 10+. 8 weeks of 2 hour lessons, on Saturdays 10 am - 12 noon. Will cover all the basics of Reel and Strathspey steps, and the most popular formations used in dances. Get fit, have fun, enjoy moving to music.
Come and try Scottish country dancing. Discover its origins, how migrants spread it across the world, and how this social dancing is still evolving. Please register using the Tickets box on this page (to help with Covid-safe event management).
Calling all budding dancers in the Mt Barker, Strathalbyn and Fleurieu regions. An evening of family fun, to try your hand (feet actually) at Scottish dancing. Easy ceilidh dances will be called on the night. Live music from @BrendanFeisMusic
Come and enjoy being taught by our Branch President, Neville Pope. Class: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm BYO lunch break 12:30 – 1:30 pm Social afternoon: 1.30 – 3:30 pm These events are suitable for dancers with some experience. Costs: RSCDS Members: $10 for a session, $15 for the whole day. non-members: $12 for a session, $18 for the whole day.
The get togethers will bring dancers from each Adelaide and Districts Class group together with representatives from the Committee, three times a year, for a discussion and sharing session, including updates, concerns, questions, ideas and suggestions, over a cuppa and some biscuits. Meeting will start at 10:15 am. Class Reps RSVP by 10 February to Treasurer, Judy Noble, email: treasurer@rscdsadelaide.org.au or Tel/text 0428683907 to assist with Covid safe planning and catering.
Adelaide Branch Class resumes weekly on Tuesday evenings on 2 February 2021. Term 1 Teacher is Noriel Tarca.
Afternoon social to honour Jean Lumsden and to bring in the new Scottish dancing year.
Carried over from last year... Come and enjoy music and dancing after the AGM. An easy social of favourite and familiar dances, to enjoy Scottish music and dance. Dances will be walked on the day. $10 RSCDS Members, $12 non-Members.
Calling all RSCDS Adelaide and Districts Members. Hear from your Branch President, Treasurer and Teachers' Panel about the year that was 2020, and what is proposed for 2021. Have your say on the 2021 Committee, Membership Fees, proposed events, or nominate to be a part of the action and join the Committee in 2021.
Teacher: Barbara Lupton. Morning workshop, followed by an afternoon of Social Dancing. Registrations close 28 Feb 2020.
6 Come and Try sessions to introduce you to Scottish Country Dancing. Thursdays 11 am - 12 noon, 27 February until 2 April 2020. Barbara Lupton will lead the sessions. No prior experience or partner required.
Afternoon social to bring in the new Scottish dancing year. Music by Elizabeth Baillie. RSCDS Members $10, others $15 (cash only at door please). Please bring some supper to share afterwards.
Tickets will be available at the door. $5 for non-members. Please bring supper to share.
http://dancescottish.org.nz/summerschools.php http://dancescottish.org.nz/stored/ss2019-flyer.jpg
St Andrew's Day afternoon social. Celebrate Scotland's big day with some dancing or delight to the live music of Telenn Tri.
All members are invited to attend and have your say. If you are a member, please consider joining the Committee in 2020.
Day of dancing at Spicer Uniting Church Hall, with a morning workshop, and afternoon of social dancing. Please register through your teacher by Fri 18/10/2019 (form below). Morning workshop: Morning tea provided. Please BYO Lunch. Afternoon Social: a small afternoon tea will be supplied after the dancing.
Day of dancing at Spicer Uniting Church Hall, with a morning workshop, and afternoon of social dancing. Registrations to your teacher by Fri 18/10/2019 (form below). Morning workshop: Morning tea provided. Please BYO Lunch. Afternoon Social: a small afternoon tea will be supplied after the dancing.
Join in the birthday celebration dance for Hilda. Please bring a small plate of supper. $5 at the door. Elizabeth at the keyboard.
Ceilidh / Easy Dance Social. All dances will be called. Ideal for those wanting to try, inexperienced or beginner dancers, and experienced dancers looking for a fun night out or to bring a friend to give it a go. Dancing suitable age 10+.
Tickets are now SOLD OUT. Please wear tartan on the night. Contact: Chris Hawkins on 0402 900 255
Adults $45, 18 and under $15, Spectators $25. Supper included. Music by Chris Duncan and Catherine Strutt.
A 2 hour concert showcasing traditional music of Scotland across various regions and through the ages. Delight to the fiddle, accordion and piano. Includes 20 min interval. World class musicians: Judi Nicolson, Ian Muir, Kathy Fraser-Collins.
Our premier event of the year. Live music by Judi Nicolson, Ian Muir, and Kathy Fraser-Collins. The Ball Program and minicribs are available at http://my.strathspey.org/dd/list/22401/ or links to printable documents are below...
Workshop for musicians - how to play for Scottish Country Dancing Fiddle, Accordion, Piano Teachers: Judi Nicolson - fiddle, Ian Muir - accordion, Kathy Fraser-Collins - piano.
Celebrate the music and dancing of Scotland, to coincide with the memorial laying of a wreath to honour the Scots bard, Robert Burns.
The Melbourne & District Branch extends a warm invitation to all dancers to meet at University College, University of Melbourne, College Crescent, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria for a fun filled week of Scottish Country Dancing with great teachers and musicians.
Live music by Telenn Tri. Please bring supper to share. Children welcome, dancing from ages 10+. Members $10. Non-Members $15. Family (2 adults, 2 children) $30.
Adelaide Scottish Country Dance & Social Club Birthday Social - 49 Years Young! Tribute to Lily Davison and Yvonne Hutchinson. Please bring a small plate of supper. Cost Non-members $6. Pay at the door. Program below. Contact Lorraine on 8255 9243 for "cheat sheets".
Day of dancing at Willunga, with a morning workshop, and afternoon of social dancing. RSCDS Members: $10 half day, $15 full day. Non-Members: $12 half day, $18 full day. Teacher: Neville Pope. Morning workshop: Morning tea provided. Please BYO Lunch. Afternoon Social: a small afternoon tea will be supplied after the dancing.
The fourth Dance Tassie tour will be held in March 2019. This is a preliminary notice so you can keep the dates free. Bob McInnes (fiddle) and Jane Ellis (piano) will again enliven our dancing. Full details for the itinerary and costs are still being finalised, but the cost for all accommodation, mini-bus transport, musicians, dance nights and some meals will be under $1000 per person.
Welcome back to all dancers for our first social of 2019. Dance in air-conditioned comfort. Pay entry at the door. $10 RSCDS Members. $12 non-members. Sign up on the day and pay members' price. Please bring supper to share after the dancing.
Basic Teaching Skills Course (Unit 0) for those interested in or intending to teach classes in the future. A first step on the road to teacher qualification. Course taken by former Chair of the Society, Ms Helen Russell. 2 day course, Saturday 12/1 and Sunday 13/1/2019, 9 am - 5 pm both days. Inquiries to the President, Andrew Timmins.
Hosted by Adelaide SCD & Social Club. Popular dances, all called and/or walked. All very welcome, please bring a small plate of supper to see in the New Year. Cost $6 at the door.
Celebrate St Andrew's night with the Bydand Class, enjoying a program of tartan and placename Scottish Dances. Please bring supper to share afterwards. $5 at the door.
All members are asked to attend and have your say. If you are a member, please consider joining the Committee in 2019.
$5 at door. Please bring some supper to share.
Victor Harbor Senior Citizens invite you to a Scottish Ceilidh Night. $5.00, under 12s free. Tickets must be PRE-PURCHASED through Chris on 0405 900 255 or Colleen 0408 841 921. BYO drinks and supper to share.
Come and meet the Chair of the Society, Helen Russell, and enjoy an evening of her teaching. General class open to all dancers. $8 members. $10 non-members.
The gala event of the year for Adelaide Scottish Country Dancers. Live music by Iain Mckenzie & Emma Nixon - Black Bear Duo Light supper included. Drinks available at the bar. Tickets available now from the Secretary or through your dance teacher. $35 RSCDS Members. $45 non-members. $20 U16 / Spectators.
Stay on after the morning class, or join us in the afternoon for a social amongst the almond blossom at Willunga. $10 RSCDS Members, $12 non-Members.
Debbie Roxburgh from New Zealand is coming to us to take this Day School after teaching at the Australian Winter School. Come and enjoy a fabulous day amongst the almond blossom at Willunga. $10 RSCDS Members, $12 non-Members
Remember your Gloves. Ladies: Give your tiaras, diamonds and pearls an airing. Headscarves for Balmoral celebrations optional. Gentlemen: Polish your medals and shine your shoes. Refreshments: Please bring a plate of supper to share at the Reception to follow, and a bottle if you wish.
Stay on after the morning class, or come and join in for the afternoon social. $10 Members ($15 whole day) $12 Non-Members ($18 whole day)
Day school in the morning 10 am - 12:30 pm Bring your own lunch. Members $10 Non-Members $12
Bring a plate of supper to share.
Come and join the Adelaide Scottish Country Dance and Social Club celebrate St Andrew's Day.
UPDATE JAN 2025 We encourage people to be fully vaccinated against CoVID. Please do not attend classes or events if you have an upper respiratory tract infection – cough, sneezing, sore throat etc.
This policy was ratified at the Branch's 2021 AGM. It provides guidance about dancers whose dancing abilities have lessened and who, therefore, are less able to safely participate in Scottish Country dancing.
All dancers please print out, complete the form and keep it in your dancing bag.
The Teachers' Panel have chosen the core dances for 2025. These dances will be taught at classes and may be included on social programs and the Adelaide Annual Branch Ball.
Scottish contacts and events in and around South Australia, in the 2025 SASA Datebook and Directory. (Dates/details may change.)
Class teacher - Burnside Wednesday night
Class Teacher - Fleurieu
Class Teacher - Collinswood, Toorak Gardens
Support Teacher - Thursday night social club class
Class Teacher - Fleurieu
We aim to preserve and further the practice of Scottish Country Dance across Adelaide and Districts.
Responsible for the overall running of the Branch and acts as the spokesperson and representative.
In partnership with the President, the Secretary ensures that the Branch runs smoothly in accordance with the Branch constitution.
Vice-President, Web and Social Media Editor
The Vice-President assists the President and other Branch officers in completing their duties. Sharon also manages the Branch's website and social media accounts.
Risk Officer
The Risk Officer maintains the Branch's Risk Management Policy and Dancer Impairment guidelines, provides advice on risk management to cover all Branch activities, and monitors Branch activities to identify and reduce risks.
Committee Member
A Committee member is responsible for contributing to the collective decision making of the Committee and helping to govern and oversee the Branch’s activities.
Committee member
A Committee member is responsible for contributing to the collective decision making of the Committee and helping to govern and oversee the Branch’s activities.
Rep to SA Scottish Associations
The Scottish Associations of South Australia (SASA) are dedicated to celebrating, promoting and preserving the heritage of all Scots. Rosemary is the President of SASA and is our delegate and representative.
Chair, Teachers' Panel (ex officio)
The Teachers' Panel prepares the annual Ball program, makes recommendations to the Committee of the need to hold Day Schools/Beginners Classes/Technique Classes, and provides technical assistance when requested by the Committee (eg teacher training).
Please contact us at least 4 weeks in advance of your event to discuss your needs.
Today, the term Ceilidh dance refers to an informal way of dancing socially in Scotland. Ceilidh dancing offers an excellent way of becoming familiar with the common social Scottish dances and dancing to Scotland's amazing music.
Learn MoreWe may be available to support Adelaide and surrounding community events and fundraisers, fairs, fetes, and celebrations.
Learn MoreWe regularly participate in and entertain at local Scottish cultural events, such as Robert Burns functions, St Andrew's Day, Tartan Day, Highland Gatherings, and Clan dinners.
Learn MoreDiscussion group, with a wealth of SCD information and links
Largest SCD database on the web – contains comprehensive information on dances, formations, people, publications, albums, recordings, and tunes.
Supplier of Scottish Dancing Shoes, based in Brisbane, Qld
The Edinburgh Scottish Dance Resource
Scottish Country Dance in Continental Europe
Information source about Scottish country dancing activities in Canada and the United States of America (USA).
Serving Scottish Dance teachers for over 50 years, and continue to grow and evolve
Groups, societies and businesses supporting Scottish culture across South Australia
We dance on the Adelaide plains and Fleurieu Peninsula, and acknowledge that the Kaurna people are the traditional custodians of the land of the Adelaide Plains, and the Ngarrindjeri people are the traditional custodians of the land of the Fleurieu Peninsula. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land.